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🇲🇽 Why we are bullish on B2B

In our latest deep dive by José Luis Sabau Fernández, we explore our strong belief in B2B companies and their unique ability to de-risk investments. While startups are typically seen as high-risk, targeting legacy industries through B2B models can mitigate much of this uncertainty.Large enterprises are less volatile and struggle to innovate on their own, making them reliable partners for startups. Our analysis of Mexican companies shows an impressive average lifespan of 54.1 years, compared to just 18 years for US companies in the S&P 500.

Everything you need to know about Claudia Sheinbaum’s new cabinet.

🇲🇽 We can learn a lot from Claudia Sheinbaum’s cabinet Last week, Mexico’s president-elect announced six members of her cabinet, including the heads of the Ministries of Economics, Foreign Affairs, and the Environment. Sheinbaum’s new cabinet has been seen by many as a sign of her independence and

How Energy Could Spoil Nearshoring

⚡ Energy will make or break nearshoring: We ran the numbers! Over the last couple of months, Mexico has been on top of everybody’s mind. Around the world, companies are seeking to decouple from China and, instead, focus their supply chains on friendlier countries: a practice that is commonly known a

We need to talk about AI costs...

⚡ It's not all rosy in the world of AI (and it’s time we talk about it) In recent months, we’ve come to embrace AI as the new norm, with startups galore building products around this new technology. But, as we do so, it’s become increasingly clear that we don’t fully understand how much AI could cos